Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Random Current Events Musings June 23rd

Disclaimer: I haven't fully researched any of these fun news facts, I'd just like to comment.

Botox freezes your emotions
I heard at the eye doctor that they had approved Botox for preventative maintenance so the idea of a 20 something getting Botox wasn't completely shocking to me, but I find it hilarious that Botox also makes you a Stepford Wife. Do we all forget it's poison injections? But, what I DON"T understand is how Heidi has enough emotion to divorce Spencer after all her Botox, but don't get me started on them.

Man Has Successful Double Hand Transplant

So this guy in Poland blew his hands off at some point and they successfully reattached two hands, that belonged to a female donor. It's like reverse Man Hands! Yay for medical technology though, apparently his fingers move and everything.

Obama fired the chief Army guy in Afghanistan
I heard he ran his mouth in Rolling Stone and Obama called him home because he was pissed. I just like that Obama is willing to fire big effing deal kind of guys. Sometimes the only thing that will help, is a big shake up.

The Naked Cowboy is mad at Naked Cowgirl
Nothing really to say there.

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