Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I love/hate the Hills

So I don't really enjoy watching the Hills, but I can't stop. I at the very least need to read the episode summaries. I really appreciate the sarcastic tone most bloggers, even the one, take with the series. Anyway, as most of you know, the show is on its final season.

So I've decided the following:

1) I hate how forced the dialog has become. I know it's scripted, but I don't need to be reminded.

2) I sort of miss the Heidi/Spencer drama, that was the best part of the train wreck.

3) I'm super jealous of the cast. Their lives consist of: fake working at awesome places, lunching, sitting around on couches gossiping, clubbing and my most favorite: taking impromptu vacations on a private jet.

I think I could totally whine about how Brody won't sleep with me and I'm not sure if my sister has been eaten by aliens if it meant I'd get shipped to Costa Rica to force interaction with a hot bartender the production crew lined up to make out with me in a bikini. Rough life.

I'm going to go back to eating my fruit roll-up at my desk at a company that doesn't have much celebrity appeal now...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Random Current Events Musings June 23rd

Disclaimer: I haven't fully researched any of these fun news facts, I'd just like to comment.

Botox freezes your emotions
I heard at the eye doctor that they had approved Botox for preventative maintenance so the idea of a 20 something getting Botox wasn't completely shocking to me, but I find it hilarious that Botox also makes you a Stepford Wife. Do we all forget it's poison injections? But, what I DON"T understand is how Heidi has enough emotion to divorce Spencer after all her Botox, but don't get me started on them.

Man Has Successful Double Hand Transplant

So this guy in Poland blew his hands off at some point and they successfully reattached two hands, that belonged to a female donor. It's like reverse Man Hands! Yay for medical technology though, apparently his fingers move and everything.

Obama fired the chief Army guy in Afghanistan
I heard he ran his mouth in Rolling Stone and Obama called him home because he was pissed. I just like that Obama is willing to fire big effing deal kind of guys. Sometimes the only thing that will help, is a big shake up.

The Naked Cowboy is mad at Naked Cowgirl
Nothing really to say there.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How We Met: Part II

I (PsychVixen) first met LawVixen in college. We lived one floor apart, and it was friendship at first sight. Over the course of our collegiate years we (along with our cracker jack group of friends) saw each other through break-ups, melt-downs, and existential crises of every form and fashion. Two years after graduation, I followed in her footsteps down to our nation’s capital when she offered free housing while I job-hunted.

I first met TechVixen in college as well, when she came to visit LawVixen. Although we hit it off right away, our friendship didn’t really blossom until after graduation. At some point, LawVixen got tired of Gchatting the same stories to both of us, and looped us into group Gchats on a regular basis. Behold the power of Gchat. We’ve been in constant communication ever since.

As TechVixen mentioned, we so enjoy our witty repartee with each other we’re putting it on the internet. Although this blog is ostensibly about psychology, business, law and reality shows, we hope it proves to be about so much more… everything from current events, personal experiences, politics, faith, sexuality and anything else this little triumvirate of vixens can think of!

Welcome aboard!

How We Met: Part I

Feel free to sing "Memories" from Cats in your head as you read.

Along time ago, in 1997, TechVixen (me) and LawVixen were assigned to the same homeroom for 8th grade. We soon became fast BFF's and bonded over their ability to talk about the Knicks with the boys before morning announcements. We were striving to break the gender barriers even then! We remained friends throughout high school have been known to randomly reference the morning after senior prom on occasion.

We continued to be close friends throughout college despite the 2 hour(ish) driving distance. While LawVixen was at Smith, she met PsychVixen. I'll let them elaborate on that.

After college, we began our hot and heavy email relationship that involves occasion in person interaction (more often for LV and PV). We email each other about things as important to dates/relationship drama to Real Housewives. One day we decided we were witty enough to share ourselves with the world and here you have it.