Thursday, August 11, 2011

It Finally Happened!!

Someone finally acknowledged the fact that they are on a taped tv show during a fight!!

So I was watching Bad Girls Club and ridiculous crap was happening. As usual, the extra crazy one did something extra crazy while she was allegedly too drunk to remember. (BTW, I really thought Judi was going home this week and am disappointed!!).

So Judi broke some glass and unmade someone's bed when she was trashed. The next morning she denied it even though Baby watched the entire thing. The next morning Baby confronted Judi the next morning. Judi continued to deny it at which point Baby said "there are tv cameras!!!". Thank you, Baby!! Thank you for finally acknowledging that lying on a tv show just doesn't work. (See: Ronnie lying to Sammi) I've always wondered why no one remembers you can't lie when your life is being documented.

Dream come true.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Guilty Pleasure

I am starting to feel a moral obligation to the readers to keep you up to date on the latest in awesome television.

My new favorite show comes to us from Lifetime: Dance Moms.

I don't watch Toddlers and Tiaras but I assume it's similar. The drama between the moms could rival Real Housewives, but the interviews with the girls make the show more ridiculous.

Bad Girls Club Season 7 started on Monday and from what I can tell it's going to be amazing. Also Jersey Shore starts on Thursday. Woop Woop!