Friday, March 11, 2011

Bridget Jones' Numbers

So remember how in Bridget Jones' Diary she starts each entry off with numbers. I think since my main life goals right now involve numbers (surprise). I might start the same.

Current: 143ish. Goal: 130ish (I never set strict weight loss goals)

Credit Card Debt
Current: $2237 (down from $10k+) Goal: $0

Checking Account Balance
Current: 1,XXX Goal: 5 digits, or 4 high digits worth.

Time able to run without walking
Current: 60 seconds Goal: 30 min

I will try to update regularly here. I feel like sometimes you gotta embarass yourself to motivate yourself. I don't want to put my checking account balance on here for real, that's sketchy.

Stay tuned!

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